Best 4th of July Shows in the United States


3) The DO A.C. 4TH of July Fireworks Atlantic City in Atlantic City, New Jersey  (3 of 10)

The DO A.C. 4TH of July Fireworks Atlantic City in Atlantic City, New Jersey 

3) The DO A.C. 4TH of July Fireworks Atlantic City in Atlantic City, New Jersey  (3 of 10)


Families planning to visit Atlantic City in New Jersey on the Fourth of July weekend should definitely attend the incredible and impressive fireworks show that takes place there every year.

The party starts on the 3rd, one day before Independence Day. You can watch the waterfront fill up with lights on the 3rd and 4th of July.

The first show takes place at the boardwalk while the other show occurs at the Marina District. Both the shows last for about 15 minutes and evens offers a choreographed performance.


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